Saturday, June 25, 2011

Support and Prayers Go a Long Way

The majority of my mornings are spent doing discipleship with the Dwelling Places youth. These students range from the ages 15-25 and there are about 12 of them. They have each come from the streets and are also being prepared to ease into independent living. During discipleship, we have devotions with the students. We open with a worship song, a time of prayer, and then Dawn or I will discuss scripture with them. Their worship is so precious and honest. Whether you are in tune or not, it doesn’t matter here. They want you to worship, and worship with all your heart. Prayer is in depth and far from what most of us Americans are used to. Then our time of sharing God’s word with them is always filled with encouragement. It is a humbling honor to present truth to these new friends of ours.

This morning in discipleship, one of our new friends, Daniel, asked about the details of how we came to Uganda. He was surprised to hear that we aren’t all “loaded” with money. First Dawn shared her story and testimony of God’s provision. Following her, I told all the students about the process of support raising. As I finished telling the process of events that led me here, I turned the focus on to the many people who have supported and are praying for me. “There are hundreds of people in America praying for you guys. And your lives are being thought of all around the world.” Applause filled the room following this statement. These students were so enlightened and encouraged to hear this. To be honest, I really wasn’t expecting such a delighted response from them. It made my heart smile to see them feel appreciated and loved. This morning I know they felt important.

I realize this is a short post, but I want to thank and encourage those of you who have supported me and are praying for these children. Today your prayers have encouraged these students. Today your care made them feel important. Thank you for loving these children and youth. I would not be here without your support, and the Lord is loving His children through each of you. It is a powerful thing to see the Lord work amongst all nations and every tongue. We serve a great God, and I am thankful we each can take part in it.

Today we did another Human Rights talk with the students at the Agape’ school. The children were beyond delightful as always, and I left with a heart full of joy. The smiles on their faces as well as their attentive eyes and ears bless me greatly. I am humbled as the Lord entrusts someone like me with His precious children. The week has faired well, and the relationships we have been building seem to flourish more and more every day. Conversation flows more naturally, and opportunities to share the gospel are increasing. I find that many people here say they are Christian. I am praying to take them deeper into why they believe what they do. I pray that it’s not because their parents are Christians, but because their hearts are humbled and moved by the grace of God. I would love for those of you back home to join me in praying that they would have a clear understanding of the gospel, and that it would be personal to each of them in their own way.


  1. Louise, those children ARE being prayed for daily, as are you! I am praying that the Holy Spirit will cause much growth as you and your team plant and water. Thank you for the work you're doing!

  2. I'm so excited, Louise, that your relationships are building and the Lord has led you to consider how to help the folks there understand our Lord in a more personal way. What a difference you are making! And thanks for being a stimulus and reminding us to pray for these precious souls.
    In Him, Patty

  3. Paul and I prayed for you this morning! Just know that you are making a difference in the lives of each person with whom you come in contact. The Lord calls us to plant seeds, talk about Him with others and what happens to those seeds is the work of the Holy Spirit. We may never know the end of each story, but the Lord does and that's what matters most. Keep up the Lord's work! Hugs for today.
